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The Yarn Thief scarf is made with a light dk/8ply yarn and a fluffy mohair or silk-mohair lace weight yarn. When held together, these yarns create a luxurious and soft lightweight fabric.

The pattern requires only a small amount of yarn and is a much quicker knit than your average scarf.

It is written in a beginner-friendly expanded format. The pattern includes detailed instructions for a double “i-cord” selvedge (edge) for the scarf, which even beginners might attempt. However a simpler selvedge option is also provided.

The name of this scarf was inspired by Fred the dog. I had taken my yarn to the lake to experiment with this pattern. Fred, who was there with his owners (the only other people at the beach), waited until my back was turned and silently stole off with the yarn. But I had my suspicions and when asked, he keenly led me to it strewn across the grass and proceeded to pick up the ball of yarn and drop it in the lake.

The Yarn Thief

SKU: 006

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